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Why the Three-Fold Law is a Myth: Empowering Women to Reclaim Their Magical Power

Breaking Free from the Three-Fold Law: Reclaiming Your Power

If you've ever dipped your toes into the world of magick, you've probably heard about the Three-Fold Law. That idea that whatever energy you send out into the universe—whether it's good, bad, or somewhere in between—will come back to you three times as strong. It sounds like a simple rule, right? But let's take a closer look at it because there’s a chance that this so-called "law" might actually be holding you back, especially if you've ever been hurt, wronged, or oppressed.

What if the Three-Fold Law Isn’t Really True?

The Three-Fold Law isn’t some ancient wisdom handed down through the ages. In fact, it’s a relatively new idea, cropping up in the 1950s when Wicca, a modern pagan religion, was being shaped and popularized by a man named Gerald Gardner. Gardner, for all his contributions to modern witchcraft, was still a man of his time—a time when society was deeply uncomfortable with women stepping into their power.

So, what if the Three-Fold Law was introduced to keep women, like you, from fully embracing their magical abilities? Think about it: at a time when women were beginning to challenge the roles society had forced on them, this law might have been a way to scare them into submission. “Don’t get too powerful,” it whispers. “Don’t stand up for yourself too strongly. Otherwise, you’ll pay the price—three times over.”

It very well could be that Gerald Garner never intended for this law to be used against women, but what's certain is that many people in the spiritual community, past and present, have ran with it to keep women and minorities in their place. It's no different than the convenient, traditional Christian threat of going to Hell.

A Tool of Control Dressed as a Moral Guideline

History has shown us that society has always tried to control women’s power, especially when it comes to magick. Women have been the primary practitioners of folk magick, healing, and spiritual work for centuries. And let’s not forget the witch hunts—those dark times when women were persecuted simply for being perceived as too independent and powerful.

So, it’s not hard to imagine that the Three-Fold Law could have been introduced or at least popularized as a way to keep women from embracing their true potential. By making us fear the consequences of our own power, this so-called law could be stifling our ability to fight back, seek justice, or even just protect ourselves. Think about it. It’s women and girls who are the most vulnerable to sexual exploitation, abuse, violence, and oppression within a patriarchal society, and when it happens, it’s usually at the hands of men who often go unpunished, or face minimal legal and social consequences.

It’s women who usually invest the most in relationships and marriages only to be awakened rudely to the fact that, after wasted years, their sacrifices were never matched or appreciated by their male partners. Yet, women are expected to quickly accept these life-long injuries, scars, and hindrances with nothing but serene grace. We are told to forgive and forget, be the bigger person, or let God or Karma handle them. We are expected to quickly cope with a solution which is nothing but passive. A woman exacting revenge, getting justice, righting wrongs, or holding people accountable with the power of magick is in direct opposition to these expectations. Women freely turning to magick not only challenges the status quo, but would absolutely terrify a lot of bad men. And frankly, they aren’t terrified enough.

Your Power Is Yours to Claim

The Three-Fold Law oversimplifies how energy actually works. Magick isn’t some cosmic boomerang that punishes you for every little thing. It’s a tool—a powerful one—that you can use to shape your reality. The idea that anything you do will come back to you threefold is more about instilling fear than about guiding you to be responsible with your power.

In many other magical traditions, the emphasis isn’t on retribution but on balance. Energy is something you can work with, transform, and direct. The consequences of your magick depend on many factors—your intent, the situation, and the energy or entity you’re working with. It's not just about blindly following a rule; it’s about understanding and working with the flow of energy in a way that serves you and your needs.

In traditions like Hoodoo or indigenous shamanic practices, magick is used for protection, justice, and empowerment. It’s not about fearing what might come back to you; it’s about standing in your power and using it with intention. These traditions understand that sometimes, to heal or to protect yourself, you need to take strong, decisive action—and there’s nothing wrong with that.

What I believe to be true, at my core, is that we are not punished for our sins, but by them, as the old saying goes. If someone consistently does unjust and terrible things, then there will often be a natural domino effect of consequences that catches up to them eventually, which only appears to be supernatural retribution or God’s wrath.

Shera Seven’s take on the law of three is another one that I agree with. Her worldview is that payback comes to you if you believe that you deserve it and that’s why we see many public figures do the most despicable things and still prosper. They have no guilt and feel completely fine with what they’re doing. As far as spiritual boomerangs in relationships go, “If Karma were real, every man would be dead!” Very wise woman.

Reclaiming Your Power After Being Burned

If you've been hurt or wronged, you might feel hesitant about using your power to fight back. The Three-Fold Law might make you wonder, "Will I suffer even more if I try to defend myself?" But here’s the truth: your power is your own, and you have every right to use it, especially when it comes to protecting yourself or seeking justice.

Imagine a world where you don’t have to hold back, where you can stand up for yourself without fearing some mysterious cosmic punishment. Imagine using your magick to heal from the pain others have caused you, to reclaim your strength, and to build a life where you are in control. The idea that you shouldn’t use your power—especially in self-defense or to right a wrong—has been used for too long to keep you from fully realizing your strength. The Three-Fold Law, with all its fearful consequences, is just another way of saying, “Don’t be too powerful. Don’t challenge the status quo.” But I’m here to tell you that you can be powerful. You can challenge the people who have hurt you. And you can do it in a way that is aligned with your deepest values and desires.

Move Beyond the Fear

If the Three-Fold Law feels like a chain around your spirit, maybe it’s time to let go of it. Instead of living in fear of what might come back to you, let’s embrace a new way of thinking—one where you take responsibility for your actions, yes, but where you also give yourself permission to use your power freely and fully.

When you choose to work with me, we won’t be bound by outdated rules that were never meant to serve us in the first place. Together, we’ll explore ways to use magick that feel right for you—ways that help you heal, protect yourself, and manifest the life you deserve. Whether it’s breaking free from past hurts, seeking justice, or simply reclaiming your power, you have the right to use magick in a way that honors your true self.

Ready to Reclaim Your Power?

My wish is for you to break free. You may seek to practice magick on your own or call on the assistance of an experienced practitioner like myself. My mission is to support women who have been hurt, who have been told to stay small, who are ready to reclaim their power and use it to create the life they want.

You don’t have to live in fear of retribution. You don’t have to hold back. Magick is yours to wield, and I’m here to guide you on that journey as needed. Together, we can move beyond the fear and into a place of empowerment, where magick is a source of strength, healing, and transformation.

Let’s break the chains of the Three-Fold Law and step into a new reality—one where you are the master of your fate, the creator of your destiny that you were always meant to be. Ready to get started? Reach out to me for a free consultation, and let’s reclaim your power together.


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Mika Mika
Mika Mika
Sep 08
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Sep 08
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

So empowering

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