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The Power of Dr. Joe Dispenza's Meditations: Meeting My Long-Dead Grandfather for the First Time

Updated: May 28

Meditation is known to have many benefits—calming the mind, reducing stress, connecting you to your source, and even helping manifest desired outcomes—I recently discovered that meditation can also facilitate encounters with the dead. Let me take you through this extraordinary experience where I met someone very special.

Though I had only dabbled in meditation occasionally, I was captivated by the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza. His story is nothing short of miraculous. After a severe back injury, he chose to forego risky surgery and instead, healed himself through the power of his mind by connecting to the quantum field. Since then, he has been teaching others to harness this power, writing several books including Becoming Supernatural.

One morning, while practicing Dr. Dispenza’s “Blessing of the Energy Centers” meditation, I reached the part where we are instructed to bless the third eye chakra—the pineal gland—so the spiritual veil may lift. Suddenly, I saw a man in my living room by the front door, looking directly at me. He wasn’t a mere vision; it felt like his reality was superimposed onto mine!

The man was tall, athletic, and had a physique like a bodybuilder. I couldn't see his face clearly due to a bright, halo-like light behind his head. However, his handsome features, high cheekbones, and strong jawline were evident. He wore a white shirt with gold embroidery and tight trousers, which highlighted his impressive physique.

When he opened my front door, it didn’t lead to my street but to a sky of brilliant white and gold, with a sun that shimmered like metallic gold. It was a breathtaking sight. He stood by the door, seemingly inviting me to walk through it. Naturally, I hesitated and quickly asked, "Who are you?" The moment I asked, he vanished, and I found myself back in my mundane reality.

After the meditation, I was consumed with curiosity about this visitation. Initially, I fancied the idea that he might be a future husband, but I quickly dismissed it. For a moment, I decided that he must've been an angel, considering his physical perfection. But the details of his attire—a white Cuban shirt with gold embroidery—suggested he might be someone human, possibly of Latin or Caribbean descent, and connected to me.

I thought of my grandfather, Hamilton Ian Frankson, my mother’s father. Hamilton was a successful businessman in Kingston, Jamaica, who owned a busing company. Tragically, on September 8, 1962, he was brutally murdered by a madman with a machete in broad daylight, who was jealous of his wealth and good fortune. My grandparents weren’t legally married, so his money and assets went to his brother. This completely devastated the lives of my grandmother and her children overnight, leading them to move to the United States for a better future.

Could the man I had seen be Hamilton? The only image I had of him was a painted portrait, and I doubted he had such an athletic build, as gyms and steroids were rare in Jamaica during his time. To find out, I sent my mother two photos via WhatsApp: one of a Cuban shirt with gold embroidery and another of a moderately athletic man modeling a similar shirt. After a tense wait, she confirmed that her father wore shirts like that and was athletic, but even MORE so than the man in the photo. She revealed that he had a build like my uncle's when he was into bodybuilding. It was my grandfather, Hamilton, confirmed! Happiness and excitement washed over me. I asked my mother how he had such a physique, and she explained he was very active and was especially fond of playing cricket. If I had to compare his appearance to a celebrity's, it would be Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson or LL Cool J at their physical peak.

Hamilton was a true alpha male—wealthy, a provider, a leader, and physically dominant. After confirming his identity with my mother, that left me to ponder about the purpose of his visit. He had opened the door as if inviting me to go through it with him. Initially, I feared he was there to take me to the other side with him, but I remembered that it's usually someone you’ve known and trusted who comes to get you when that time comes. Since I never knew him, that couldn’t be the reason.

Reflecting on his attire and the brilliant sky, it seemed he was signaling a significant transition in my life, something he might be helping me with on his side of the veil. While I have some thoughts on what that might be, I’ll keep those to myself for now and see what unfolds. I’ve since added Grandfather Hamilton to my ancestor altar to honor him, and I’ll see how that goes.

What do you think this encounter could mean? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Dr. Joe Dispenza’s “Blessing of the Energy Centers” meditation opened a portal to lift the spiritual veil, allowing me to meet someone in my family for the first time who had departed this life 60 years before my birth. If you want to try it for yourself, his meditations are available on his website, with some free options on YouTube. My advice is not to pressure yourself to see or experience anything specific. Be relaxed, present, and open. Set an intention if you wish, but let go and follow the meditation's guidance. Be well, my fellow gypsies and spiritual wanderers.


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