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Breakup Spells and Their Perils

Updated: May 23

For the past few years, my Create Hatred ritual has become in high demand. This spell can cause strife and discord within groups of several people such as family members, business colleagues, and social clubs. However, it’s mainly used as a break-up spell to destroy a romantic relationship or marriage. Sometimes, it’s because a person close to one of the parties sees that they are miserable or enduring abuse or neglect. Once in a while, the client is a worried family member who believes their loved one is making a terrible mistake. Other times, it’s a spurned lover who is being cheated on and then abandoned for a third party. One client of mine, from India, had the ritual done over her own marriage because it was arranged and her husband was emotionally unstable. So, she made him divorce her to avoid shaming her family and facing social consequences. Life is interesting. The most common request I’ve been seeing popping up is that of the other woman or man (the third party) who desperately wants to free their lover from their relationship or marriage, so they can openly be together happily ever after.

That last scenario is what I want to warn people about. It’s only a flip of the coin whether or not they will get that happy ending and it has nothing to do with Karmic retribution or spiritual blow-back. Let me explain. The most concerning factor with a third-party situation is that at least one of the people involved has proven themselves to be dishonest, or at the very least, have a dysfunctional approach to solving their problems. It’s not a healthy way to start a life together, which ideally is to be founded on mutual trust and respect. Every relationship, that lives long enough, gets tested. When that time comes, could either person trust the other that they’re being truthful… or worse, do they have the right to be offended for not being believed? Am I being judgmental? Not really, it just had to be said.

Another thing that people don’t consider is that the dynamic of the relationship will likely change… the very dynamic that created the rapid, alternating love rush of endorphins and adrenaline through their body. The high from the Romeo & Juliet syndrome is hard to maintain once “the obstacle” has been finally removed. The once unavailable partner they idealized becomes very real after being rescued from their ivory tower and facing them at eye level. The honeymoon phase gets taken to the curb with the trash on garbage day. The thrill is gone. Sometimes, one discovers that they weren’t the only one their lover has been having sex with while they were attached. Remember that old saying about there being no honor among thieves?

The most cruel and insidious thing that someone may experience is discovering their would-be significant other was purposely remaining in their committed relationship because they liked having their cake and eating it, too! The cheater in the third-party situation gets the benefits of a stable, predictable home life (regardless of the level of happiness) while enjoying the excitement of a hot romance with someone new and different who feeds their ego. Sometimes, the cheater truly wants out of the relationship or marriage, but proclaims they HAVE to stay (or remain legally married yet separated) for some lame, but believable reason. It’s only a convenient excuse to not fully commit to the lover on the side! Once the dreaded “obstacle partner” has been removed, either by magick or mundane causes, the person on the side may be very disappointed to find that the person they waited so patiently for has a;sp left them behind.

I know of a few men (not clients) who have strung along their side girlfriends for years this way. I’m certain if you were to ask them if they planned for things to unfold in this manner, they would say, “No.” Who wants to admit, even to themselves, that they used a person as an emotional and sexual crutch during a rough period in their life and then discarded them because they wanted a completely fresh start? That’s how their actions look to me watching from the cheap seats.

Am I trying to deter people from the Create Hatred ritual? Goodness, NO… It’s my bread and butter! And it’s very necessary to use in many cases. I just believe it’s my responsibility to have people ask themselves if this is really what they want because things could take a sharp left and some uncomfortable truths may be discovered once their person is free. That’s why I recommend that once a breakup spell or ritual manifests, immediately do some form of love, binding, and or sweetening spell appropriate to the level of commitment and devotion desired with this person… or develop some serious game to keep them on their toes! What magick hath joined together, let no fuckery separate.

Side Note: Circumstances for needing this ritual vary, but they all have to be justified (to me) to do this or any other work



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