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  • Is there any spiritual payback or blowback for your rituals?
    No. In the spiritual hierarchy, humans have the authority to respectfully command angels and respectfully ask help from demons for our purposes. It is the duty of angels to assist us. Demons (who are under the authority of angels) choose to assist us because they want to express their power.
  • Are your spells guaranteed to work?
    There are no guarantees in magick. Any practitioner, sorcerer, or witch who takes their craft seriously will tell you the same. No refunds for work already done nor sigils already downloaded.
  • How long does it take for a spell to work?
    Rituals usually manifest between three days and three months depending on your situation and what the angels or demons see fit. Curse and negative energy removal usually works immediately.
  • What type of magick do you practice?
    An updated variation of Kabbalah magick using the assistance of powerful Holy Angels.
  • What is your religion?
    On the books, Catholic.
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